Kelly Buehler
February 2023
Cardiac Rehab
Aultman Alliance Community Hospital
United States




Kelly explained how the heart works and what steps I needed to take to live a heart-healthy life.
I had a heart attack. Two stents were placed. Three weeks later I was rushed back to Aultman Hospital. I needed a triple bypass. After my release from Hospital, I was contacted by Kelly. She scheduled an appointment to discuss cardio rehab. During the interview, she explained everything to me in detail. Like what was wrong with my heart and how they fixed it. Explained how the heart works and what steps I needed to take to live a heart-healthy life. She assured me that she would be there every step of the way to help me. She is the most caring individual that I have ever met. She truly cares deep down about every one of the patients that pass through those doors. Had it not been for her caring and support I likely would not be here today. Kelly is a very intelligent individual. I and most of my class continue to attend rehab because of her always being there for us no matter what the situation. She truly cares for us all and we love her.