Kelly Smith
May 2019
Kelly E
Mary Washington Hospital
United States




When a new manager and ANM were hired for 4S, Kelly provided an in-depth handoff, supported the new manager, and provided mentorship to the new ANM to ensure the success of the new leadership team.
Kelly has been the ANM on 5N for 1 ½ years. Previously, Kelly was a Resource nurse/preceptor on 5N and has grown so much as a leader. Her presence puts the team at ease. It is no surprise she is selected for the upcoming Emerging Leader program. Kelly was a DAISY Award Honoree as a bedside nurse for being a patient advocate and providing outstanding care.

Kelly translates her ability to care for patients into caring for associates as part of the leadership team. She places the patient’s best interests first with her team members a close second. Balancing patient needs with staff needs requires a finesse that few possess; Kelly is one of those few. As ANM, Kelly provides guidance and maintains the ability to jump in and help with patient care as needed. Kelly’s team constantly remarks on how supportive she is.

Last year 5N onboarded 40 new hires which was a huge number. Kelly made all of them feel welcome with small gestures that made a big impact. Kelly ensured each new hire was assigned a locker decorated with a welcome message. She was consistently present for orientation meetings. Prior to new associates arriving, Kelly met with the Nurse Educator to discuss the new associate and match them with a preceptor. Kelly truly took an interest in making sure new 5N associates had an amazing onboarding experience. Kelly participated in unit committees prior to her ANM role and continues to support the team’s professional practice participation.

For the 5N patient population, being a member of the Restraint committee is an essential part of performance improvement and safety. Kelly is dedicated to improving patient care and ensuring best practices are identified and implemented. Kelly was a Magnet Champion and was instrumental in making a Magnet board and providing frequent updates to 5N. All of this speaks to responsibilities that Kelly can handle with ease. She is a calm and steady leader that never shows signs of being overwhelmed.

5N associates say that Kelly is “very kind and understanding”. They said that Kelly’s door is always open, “she is approachable, and we can talk to her at any time.” The ability to make a team feel valued is the essence of a leader. I admire the way she has gotten to know her team and created cohesiveness with so many new associates in such a short time. 5N associates also remark that Kelly is “very organized and efficient” and follows through on commitments. Managing the staff schedule is not easy, but Kelly’s team says that she tries to accommodate requests and is fair in balancing the schedule to ensure the unit is staffed appropriately. During staffing shortages, Kelly steps in to take a patient assignment. When a CNA on 5N applied to the new grad program, 5N was her 1st choice because of the support she received from Kelly and the team.

Last year Kelly completed her BSN, which is an accomplishment. She did this while supporting both 5N and 4S as an interim ANM during a transition in managers. During this time, Kelly did not miss a beat on 5N. Kelly made the effort to get to know her new team by rounding frequently. She made sure new hires on 4S were welcomed like her 5N new hires. Kelly strived to have a consistent presence on both units. She handled scheduling requests and fielded issues on both units gracefully. When a new manager and ANM were hired for 4S, Kelly provided an in-depth handoff, supported the new manager, and provided mentorship to the new ANM to ensure the success of the new leadership team.

I am proud of all Kelly has accomplished as a new ANM. Balancing ANM responsibilities on two units while completing a degree is phenomenal. Making associates feel welcomed and valued is the heart of who she is. I can’t wait to see where her leadership journey will take her. I have no doubt she is destined for greatness – she’s off to an amazing start!