Kelly Wiechard
February 2021
Medical Unit
Northeast Georgia Medical Center
United States




Kelly spent hours working with her getting her to finally eat, figuring out what we had that would entice the patient.
Kelly is one of the most passionate, dedicated nurses I have ever had the pleasure to work with. She goes above and beyond for each patient who comes to our floor. She tirelessly supports all her nurses, especially lately as our census has grown past anyone's expectations. Any challenge that has arisen due to the increased census she has met with grace head-on. When the third floor opened for the first time since NGHS acquired Lumpkin County, she was there helping get the rooms ready and moving patients up for a smooth transition.

She truly cares for our patients and I have countless examples of her selflessness. She has brought in clothes for some of our homeless patients who had none with her own funds. We have had several long-term patients like this who could not even afford basic hygiene items that she has provided as they await placement. Another time she arranged for a birthday cake to be brought in for one of the patients who has been here for 4 months. I also vividly remember this one patient whom we could not get to eat. Kelly spent hours working with her getting her to finally eat, figuring out what we had that would entice the patient.

She is the first to volunteer when any of the floor nurses need help, whether that be drawing blood, administering medications, or doing discharges, in addition to doing her charge role responsibilities. She never complains and I have had several family members thank me for her kindness. She is an absolute pleasure to work with and truly is the "servant leader" personified. She inspires me every day with her passion.