Kendall Whitney
March 2024
Float Pool
Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Milwaukee
United States




Kendall did everything in her power to do what she could to give our loved one comfort.
Our 84 year old grandmother was placed in your hospital's care for a matter of 3 weeks. In her last week of living, she was placed on the 8th floor in hospice care. Her health significantly declined. She was in excruciating pain. The noises were unbearable. It was a hard night for her and for us as her family to watch her go through agonizing pain as she was transitioning. Especially considering we were told hospice care would provide the most appropriate comfort that she needed as she transitioned. God had given us nurse Kendall Whitney that evening and we were under the impression that Kendall was empowered to do all things necessary as a nurse to ease any pain and provide comfort care measures for our loved one. Although she put forth her most professional efforts and went above and beyond she was denied proper assistance or authority to do what was necessary to provide appropriate comfort care to our dear grandmother. Kendall, my family, and I had to stand hopelessly by for 8 hours while our loved one endured unspeakable pain. Kendall tried everything in her power to help give our grandmother the comfort that she needed to no avail. She physically administered medication to her every 10-15mins to minimize her pain. Although we were told the doctor would send a drip for our grandmother to be placed on that will administer the medicine, Kendall was not given the orders from the doctor to give our grandmother the drip. So she walked in the room exhausted and tired every 10-15 minutes until 3AM to physically administer the meds herself. Kendall did everything in her power to do what she could to give our loved one comfort. In our opinion she maintained professionalism, she was sensitive to us, and almost heroic as she continued to try and manage the pain and the situation. We just want to acknowledge and say, thank you Kendall for your kindness, your efforts, your patience, your determination, and your willingness to provide the best care you were empowered to give. Kendall went above and beyond, although she did not have to, and that speaks volumes about her character and her passion for her patients. We appreciate her and want to acknowledge everything that she did for our dear grandmother. Thank you!