Kendra Ginn
February 2021
Acute Care Unit
Valley View Hospital




Kendra sat with us and listened to our concerns and gave us enough time to sort the relevant from the less relevant information.
I want to single out the care and attention that Kendra Ginn gave me. She was not only hyper-attentive to my needs and care but as my wife and I were trying to make sense of the often confusing information about my infection and the many test results that were coming in, several times per day, Kendra made sure that she did her best to answer all of our questions. She was especially helpful when we were struggling to understand the potential severity of my infection and speculating about the root cause. Kendra took her time answering questions, looking up test results, explaining things in a way that allowed us time to absorb all the new information. She sat with us and listened to our concerns and gave us enough time to sort the relevant from the less relevant information. Our anxiety around my situation was greatly reduced and we had a much clearer picture of the circumstances I was wife and I each felt a huge sigh of relief. Please thank her for us as she put such a calming and even positive spin on our experience at Valley View Hospital.