Kay Pinkins
April 2019
Emergency Department
Saint Agnes Medical Center
United States




Kay was nominated for her calm determination and ability to provide individualized care while simultaneously caring for several sick patients in our busy ED. The patient who nominated her came to our ED after nearly fainting at a concert. When the patient arrived on her gurney, she was shocked to see the overwhelming volume of patients in the hallways waiting to receive care.
"Kay had three very, very sick elderly patients, one little infant to tend to, plus me and a bunch of people to the left of me that I couldn't even see. But from 'Hello,' I could tell that Kay was a pro."
Despite the stress of working in the busy ED, Kay kept her cool and calmly assisted each patient with compassion, making sure to comfort the worried family members throughout the process. She never failed to answer a question and made sure the techs and doctors were always aware of patient needs.
"Kay pulled all of our curtains open and commented that she liked to be able to see all her patients while she cared for them," the patient wrote.
Kay's attentive care and compassion helped her patient feel personally cared for, even though she had many other patients and tasks demanding her attention.