March 2023
Lakeview College of Nursing
United States
At the clinical site, she goes out of her way to ensure it is a positive environment and that everyone's assignments are considered thoughtfully.
Professor Ashmore does everything she can to make our time at Lakeview meaningful, both personally and in terms of our education. She uses her real-world experience as a nurse to make content/scenarios brought up in lecture and clinical more relatable, which helps all of us to better understand what we're talking about. At the clinical site, she goes out of her way to ensure it is a positive environment and that everyone's assignments are considered thoughtfully. When we have clinical assignments due that week, she works with us one-on-one to make sure we feel prepared enough to complete that assignment upon exiting the clinical site. Also at clinical, she is routinely asking the nurses, techs, and support staff if they need anything while our group is there, and she helps all of us as a group tackle the unit's needs, which helps build camaraderie amongst our group and the staff at the clinical site.
At a clinical at Sarah Bush, Professor Ashmore noticed all the students were caught up and asked the care partners what they needed. The care partners had been talking about being behind on bathing the patients, and Professor Ashmore herself jumped in to help knock out some of the bed baths. The care partners expressed gratitude for this action because it relieved a large chunk of their duties during our clinical rotation. This lessened burden helped the care partners to maintain focus on each of their patients, which, in turn, helps to provide a safer care environment.
At a clinical at Sarah Bush, Professor Ashmore noticed all the students were caught up and asked the care partners what they needed. The care partners had been talking about being behind on bathing the patients, and Professor Ashmore herself jumped in to help knock out some of the bed baths. The care partners expressed gratitude for this action because it relieved a large chunk of their duties during our clinical rotation. This lessened burden helped the care partners to maintain focus on each of their patients, which, in turn, helps to provide a safer care environment.