Kerry Beth Griffin
January 2023
Kerry Beth
Maternity Care Center
Southeast Georgia Health System
United States




KB came early in the morning and when I asked when her shift was over, she replied, “When that baby comes.”
KB was assigned to my wife and me during the tragic loss of our firstborn daughter. Though all of the staff did a good job, KB not only acted as a nurse but also as a friend of a family whom she had never met. KB cried with us, talked to us, and was there for us in ways that we did not expect her to be.

Fast forward a year later and KB came in on a day that she was not scheduled to work in order to be there to welcome our second daughter into the world. KB came early in the morning and when I asked when her shift was over, she replied, “When that baby comes.” KB made the worst day of our lives bearable and the best day of our lives even better. The amount of compassion she showed to us, and I am sure to everyone she provides care for, is beyond comparison. Coming from a family with life-long nurses, KB takes the standard for care and goes well beyond it.