Kerry Falke
February 2020
Trauma ICU
CHI Health Creighton University Medical Center- Bergan Mercy
United States




I am writing to you on behalf of my grandfather. He was admitted in October and passed away after 6 days on your 3rd floor Trauma Intensive Care Unit. He was very fortunate to have been given great care by all your nurses and staff members, however, we would like to recognize one particular nurse for her extraordinary above and beyond care.
Kerry embodies all the qualities that every nurse should strive to be. She exemplified compassionate care with every interaction with my grandfather or a member of our family. Even though my grandfather was sedated, she spoke kindly to him every time she entered the room or completed care for him. She was knowledgeable and always willing to answer a question, explain part of his care to us or call the doctor for clarification when needed.
When times became emotional and tough for us, she offered hugs and encouragement. My grandfather's condition was grim, but Kerry remained a small ray of sunshine for us during those tough times. A specific thing Kerry did, that stood out to our family, was her invitation to us to help in my grandfather's care. As a family member, you feel helpless as your loved one is lying in bed hooked up to many wires, cords, and tubes, but Kerry helped us feel involved and less helpless. She invited us to help apply lotion to my grandfather's arms and legs. This may seem like a trivial event, however, it made us feel like we were helping to provide comfort to him, which in turn brought comfort to us.
Kelly also made a point to remember our names. This, as well, seems like a simple task however her outpouring of thoughtfulness meant so much in those moments. As a fellow RN myself, I was inspired by Kerry's care for my grandfather and our family. She reminded me of why I chose the nursing profession. She is the perfect example of a caring, competent, and empathetic nurse and deserves to be recognized for her excellent care.
I know that if my grandfather would not have been sedated, he would have enjoyed Kerry's company and appreciated her care, just as much as we did. We are so appreciative of Kerry and the entire 3rd-floor Trauma Intensive Care Unit.