Kim Mordick
April 2022
HCA Ambulatory Surgery Division
Midtown Surgical Center
United States




Once we had B safely in the vehicle Kim insisted on helping me search for the ring.
My husband B had knee replacement surgery yesterday. The process went well overall and Kim was his primary caregiver after surgery. She was so kind and competent in helping us and others checking in often and patiently waiting for the physical therapist to come. Everything went well except my husband was unable to void his bladder. We waited and waited and watched patient after patient check out and depart on a blustery snowy afternoon. Soon it was pushing 6 pm and I'm sure Kim was ready to get home. She never gave us a hint that this was an inconvenience. She consulted my husband's doctor who said we could just wait until it happened but ultimately team decided to give B a catheter to allow him to void. This was not ideal but the best possible outcome for us.

Kim remained positive and patient throughout and explained the process needed for removal. After this, it was after 7 pm and snowy and blustery and Kim suggested I get the vehicle to pick up B. As I was brushing off the snow from the car B's father's wedding ring flew off my hand. (I had put B's and his father's rings on my hand prior to surgery.) I heard it clink but in the dark and with an inch of snow I couldn't find it. Once we had B safely in the vehicle Kim insisted on helping me search for the ring. It was cold and snowy and she was in scrubs without a coat. She ran in to get a flashlight so we could search. Finally, we gave up since we had to get to the pharmacy before it closed and I couldn't allow Kim to continue searching. I was so grateful for her care her professionalism as well as her kindness in helping us above and beyond the ordinary. She is special!