Kimberly Eakins
August 2022
OB/Post Partum
IU Health Bloomington
United States




Kimberly truly saved our baby’s life. If it had not been for her advocacy and follow-through, I believe our son would be in much worse condition, or even dead.
Hello, I am an IU Health employee myself, but most recently I was patient at IU Health Bloomington Hospital when I delivered my son. My son’s first day with us was uneventful. However, what we didn’t know at the time was that he would have a bottle at 3 am and then stop eating. Our son completely stopped taking his bottle, nor would he suck on a paci or fingers. Then, he began to vomit a bile-like substance. We spoke to the nurse after nurse and the on-call pediatrician about our concerns. Everyone told us our son was fine, and to just try to keep feeding him. He didn’t get any better, though. On Thursday Kimberly Eakins became my nurse. From the start, she was kind and pleasant. Then she tried to feed our son, during which he vomited green bile onto her. Kimberly immediately knew something was very wrong. It was Kimberly who got the ball rolling on finding out what was going on with our baby and getting the attention he needed. Our son ended up being transferred to IUH Riley, where he is still admitted. He possibly has Hirschsprung’s disease, for which we are still awaiting an official diagnosis. Kimberly truly saved our baby’s life. If it had not been for her advocacy and follow-through, I believe our son would be in much worse condition, or even dead. My husband and I are so extremely thankful for Kimberly. She exemplifies everything I believe a nurse should be. I would never be able to thank her enough for the care and concern she showed for our baby. She is a true DAISY Nurse.