Kirandeep Rakkar
May 2023
Non-Invasive Cardiology
VA Long Beach Healthcare System
Long Beach
United States




​​​​​​​Ms. Rakkar is a very compassionate leader, who models superior ethical behavior as consistently evidenced by her unwavering support of her staff.
This nomination is in recognition of Ms. Karin Rakkar for her professional attributes and actions outlined below: 
Ms. Rakkar was the VA’s Critical Care Nurse Manager who became the Acting Chief for Quality Safety & Value. 
1)    Creating an environment where attributes of trust, compassion, mutual respect, continued professional development, and ethical behavior are modeled and supported:  

Ms. Rakkar is a very compassionate leader, who models superior ethical behavior as consistently evidenced by her unwavering support of her staff.  Ms. Rakkar leads by example with proven success in promoting a safe and positive work environment for her entire team in Accreditation, HRO, Infection Prevention & Control, Patient Safety and System Redesign.  

    Immediately upon arriving to QSV, she thoughtfully met with every member on every team in QSV, in addition to scheduling lunch meetings with each group in creating a solid beginning, for a strong foundation in team collaboration.  

    Historically creating online education and training for critical care nurses.  

2)    Always accessible, available, and responsive to the needs of their team. 

Ms. Rakkar is always available with a known open-door policy.  Ms. Rakkar facilitated the ease of confidence in staff reaching out to her at any time, at any hour, and from day one, it was clear her staff were her number one priority.  

    One example, is when an exposure was identified that necessitated the Infection Team to respond immediately and Ms. Rakkar remained with them way beyond the hours of tour of duty until the issue was resolved and all was safe. 

o     Ms. Rakkar has shown diligence in doing whatever it takes, and as long as it takes, to get the job done that ultimately results in providing the best in quality care, in keeping our Veterans safe.  

3)    Problem-solving and encouraging critical thinking: 

Ms. Rakkar demonstrated a creative way to resolve problems/concerns.  She motivated her staff’s critical thinking skills by providing them with a team opportunity in creating a solution. 

    An example of this, is a VISN report was due with a short timeline and the point of contact was unavailable.  Ms. Rakkar reached out to the team to collaborate a plan by bringing her team together and tapping into the individual strengths of every staff member to complete the report. 

o    The report was thorough, with only a few suggestions, completed within the required timeline and every staff member was acknowledged for their participation and outstanding accomplishments.  

4)    Advocating for their teams: 
Ms. Rakkar takes pride in advocating for her team.  As a CCCU Nurse Manager, she supported not only her staff but the entire code team. 

    She assured a Charge Nurse was always available to respond to codes and RRT. 

    She supported the Outpatient Bronch team by staffing them with a nurse every day to ensure the safe and effective completion of procedures and optimal patient safety. 

     Likewise, in QSV, she supported her staff not only as a Chief but as the First-Line Supervisor for Infection Prevention & Control and the Accreditation team. 

5)    Ensuring that the needs of the teams are communicated to organization leadership and organizational priorities and directions are communicated to their teams:  

    Ms. Rakkar uses DMS to escalate the needs of her team.  

    She’s had many challenges as the Acting Chief in QSV and Supervisor to the Infection Prevention & Control and Accreditation Team.  Under Ms. Rakkar’s leadership, she was accountable for the Ascellon and Mock Joint Commission Survey.  She prioritized and managed each survey successfully, and with zero findings for Ascellon survey.  Prior to her Acting QSV Chief position ending, she successfully hired an Infection Prevention & Control Supervisor and two additional positions.

6)    Being compassionate leadership:  

Ms. Rakkar is an exceptionally compassionate leader who understands the needs and challenges of every employee under her leadership. 

    She was regularly engaged in every QSV group huddle, in addition to rounding with each group to assess and address any potential or current concerns.  Ms. Rakkar was attentive and talked to every staff member to ensure they were receiving what they needed to perform their standard work efficiently, in a consistently safe and worry-free environment, with flexible scheduling when needed and without ever affecting staffing or safe patient care.   

It is with the greatest respect and admiration that I nominate Ms. Karin Rakkar for The DAISY Nurse Leader Award, as the model of nursing excellence in leadership, who’s earned and so deserving of this prestigious honor of merit.