Kissia Randolph
November 2016
Medical University of South Carolina
United States




Often times, patients with severe chronic illnesses stay with us for a long time. We get attached to them and their families, as they do to the staff of our unit. This is the case for our patient E, who will tell you that in the past year he's only been home for about two months in total. There are advanced treatments available for E, but it's been a long process to get him to the point of considering his options. About 2 weeks ago, E was transferred to the ICU to recover from surgery and for close cardiac monitoring. The staff in that unit knows him well too. In fact, when he goes on his daily strolls, just about everyone in the hospital knows him. This includes other patients and their families, as well. He's just a lovable, outgoing and friendly man. He often says that to make the best of your situation; you have to keep a positive attitude.
E was at MUSC for most of the important holidays last year, and will likely be here for this holiday season as well. The RN caring for him on Thanksgiving Day, Kissia Randolph, noticed that he seemed very down and depressed. No matter what she did, she couldn't lift his spirits. This troubled her because this is not E. She felt like maybe he had given up. Kissia thought about what she could do to make him feel better and then she landed on it. She would take him on a field trip to visit our unit. Now doing so was no small task! He had continuous cardiac monitoring via a Swan-Ganz catheter, two high alert drips and needed close monitoring. But Kissia was determined to make it happen. She put him on a portable monitor, and up they came to see his nurses and the staff in our unit. When they arrived on the unit, it was truly a Rockstar moment. Everyone called out to E, came running for hugs and to inquire about him, and they spent a good long while visiting here. The nurses on our unit admired what Kissia did for his spirit. The nurses said the change in his demeanor was evident. He was cheered up and hopeful. I commend E's nurse for her dedication to the holistic care of her patient. Kissia went above and beyond that day for him to provide a holiday miracle. He brags about how awesome she is, and so do the nurses on our unit.
Note: This is Kissia's second DAISY Award!