Kohar Sayadzadeh
April 2014
Huntington Hospital
United States




All of the NICU nursing staff are so wonderful, and skilled, but there is one nurse that particularly stand out from the rest. Her name is Kohar Sayadzadeh and I will explain why I believe she deserves special accolades.

Our son, X, was born at 23 weeks gestation on 9/27/2013. He was in the NICU for 125 days and was discharged on 1/30/2014. He developed an NEC infection which required 2 surgeries. As a result, he had a stoma and fistula for 11 1/2 weeks. This required numerous bag changes. These were difficult and had to be specially fitted and cut for his stoma and fistula. During her shift, Kohar would cut multiple bags so that future shifts could change his bag when needed, and not have to struggle with sizing and cutting the bags.

Even on days Kohar was not X's nurse, she would come and cut extra bags for the next shifts. She also took the lead on learning how to best change his bag and she trained the other nurses.

Her care of X was more than in the clinical realm. Her compassion for X's condition and her desire that he get the best possible care to receive the best possible outcomes are amazing. She went above and beyond in her care for X and for that we are truly grateful.

Again, I would like to stress that All of your NICU staff are amazing, from the physicians, to the nursing staff, to the Respiratory Therapists, to the unit secretaries, but Kohar definitely stood out and that is hard to do with such a superb supporting cast!

With a preemie newborn at home, I found it difficult to carve aside some time to send this letter to you, but that's how important I think it is to recognize excellence in care. Thank You!