Korri M Buchanan
November 2023
Korri M
Team Diamond
Devotion Hospice
United States




She always did her job here no matter what, and that meant whatever it took to make my husband and also me comfortable in our very sad situation. Not only a nurse but our friend.
I don’t even know how to begin to thank Korri for everything she did for us. She came into our lives when my husband T was very sick with cancer and ‘brain fog.” We liked Korri the first day we met her, she is one of the nurses who I never knew and is so friendly and compassionate. She always did her job here no matter what, and that meant whatever it took to make my husband and also me comfortable in our very sad situation. Not only a nurse but our friend. One day, when she left, my husband was so sad and asked if he had done anything that made her leave. I explained that she had to leave because she had other patients to care for.

Korri assured me that anytime I needed her, it was okay to call her. She knew I wouldn’t unless it was important. As T became sicker and I needed help giving him some of the medications, Korri always explained and helped me through it. She could see my husband getting weaker but tried to keep our spirits up. She helped me change and bathe him to make him feel better. Korri went way beyond her "job" because she is such a caring soul. I don’t know how I would have managed without her.

Later, when T could not get out of bed and couldn’t communicate, I called Korri one early morning. I was scared, I couldn’t change him because he was so frail, I thought I might hurt him. I was also afraid to give him his meds. Korri came right away and helped me. T was clean and calm and looked comfortable. Korri checked his vitals, told me goodbye, and again told me to call her if I needed her. Around 30 minutes later, I had to call her. It looked as if he wasn’t breathing. Korri came back and told me he had passed. She cleaned him again, put clean clothes on him, and called whom she needed to call. Korri waited with me until my son came.

Although it was painful for me to write this, it was necessary. I wish all nurses would be like Korri. It takes a special kind of person to do this job. My husband is in God’s hands now, but he had an angel (Korri) on earth caring for him. Thank you, Korri.