Kristian Pritchard
June 2020
Labor and Delivery
Prisma Health Tuomey Hospital
United States




As a nurse, you know how the saying goes, "If it will happen to anyone, it's going to happen to a nurse." The phrase never crossed my mind as I entered the double doors to Labor and Delivery. I met my nurse for the day, Kristian Pritchard; as we talked, she was updating my care board and for the goals portion she wrote my baby's name.
Emotions flooded over me as today would be the day I would meet my first child, my baby girl, and the nurse that would deliver her was a dear friend to me. Throughout the day, Kristian was extraordinary in explaining every medication, position change, monitor, and how the labor process was progressing. My husband was nervous and asking the same questions multiple times, but Kristian kept answering, kept smiling, and kept us calm. Her professionalism, understanding, and compassion were encouraging and uplifting to two very nervous parents.I could go on and on about every single moment of that day and how Kristian went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable and safe, but I will fast forward to the moments leading up to the arrival of our little girl.
I heard Kristian saying, "You're doing so good momma, you're so close. You got this!" My husband, sister, and both moms stood beside me, all ready to share life's miracle moment. My little girl entered the world, my husband cut the cord, and she was laid on my chest. She was blue. There was no crying. I cannot remember if there was movement, maybe I was wanting there to be, but it didn't seem as there was anything.
I looked to Kristian, she was staring at the doctor asking, "Can I take her?" Fear washed over every inch of my body. Kristian was focused. I was distressed. Kristian was determined. I was concerned. Kristian was confident. While I was sobbing, Kristian was saving my little girl's life. Kristian called in the nursey crew and the rest is an emotional blur until the moment she was laying in my arms, pink and crying.
Kristian did not leave as she was scheduled to, she stayed to care for me emotionally. She took the extra step to go to the nursey and check on our baby.
When you read the definition for The DAISY Award, it covers the skill, compassion, and care nurses provide. The pamphlet says, "Please say thank you by sharing your story of how a nurse made a difference you will never forget!" I cannot think of a better story to share that encompasses all that the DAISY Award defines. Kristian displayed skill, compassion, and care. Kristian made a difference because she remained calm and competent and was able to turn a disheartening series of events into the joyful moment it was supposed to be. I am not sure that "thank you" will ever really be enough to cover the gratitude I feel towards Kristian.