Kristin Wise
April 2021
Critical Care
Nebraska Methodist Hospital
United States




I knew Kristin was there comforting him and caring for him the best she possibly could. She held his hand, talked to him, and played and sung Country music for him.
God definitely had a hand in placing Kristin at the bedside caring for my grandfather. We had once again received news that our grandfather was struggling on BIPAP and was meeting the max. Very difficult decisions needed to be made moving forward as he had become very critically ill. As a coworker and a friend of Kristin’s, my heart jumped and I immediately was calmed knowing that my grandpa was in her care for the oncoming shift. I’ve watched Kristin multiple times on the job go out of her way to do whatever she can for her patients. She has a heart of gold and has so much compassion for her patients. She is truly a genuine nurse and a blessing to all patients she encounters. You can imagine why I was SO calm when I heard that she would be my grandpa’s nurse. As difficult as the situation was making decisions for our grandfather’s future without being in person, she made it that much more realistic with all of her communication via messages and phone calls. We are forever grateful to her for having the experience and knowledge to encourage us to not wait to FaceTime Grandpa. As she had experienced with her past patients similar to our grandpa, she had that nurse’s intuition and knew the future fate of our grandfather. She knew the timing was inevitable and encouraged us to make arrangements to say our goodbyes just in case his status would change dramatically. Grandpa had a difficult day and was declining. But again, I knew Kristin was there comforting him and caring for him the best she possibly could. She held his hand, talked to him, and played and sung Country music for him. She spent so much time arranging FaceTime and Zoom sessions for us to say our goodbyes. It brings tears to my eyes to know that one of my coworkers would care so gently and effortlessly for someone else’s grandfather as if he were her own. She cried with me on the phone and FaceTime. I can’t explain how much that means to me as a granddaughter, nurse, and friend. She didn’t miss a beat with the care of our grandfather and the communication she provided us when we could not be there. We are forever indebted to her for that. Kristin is the epitome of a DAISY Nurse. She gave herself freely, with love and compassion to a complete stranger and touched each one of our hearts forever. Kristin being chosen for the Daisy Award would be a special way we could thank her for everything she did for our grandfather.