Krystal Buckler
February 2021
VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System




Kayla and Krystal showed empathy towards this new condition I had just been diagnosed with.
I want to honor these two amazing nurses in 2020.
P- I was admitted during the computer shutdown. Kayla was my nurse during this time. I felt no panic and true care to make me as comfortable as possible. Everything was perfect.
E- Kayla and Krystal showed empathy towards this new condition I had just been diagnosed with. Both educated me on how to live with it.
T- 110% from both Krystal and Kayla.
A- So knowledgeable, showed so much care. Once computers were up, my home medications were given and my anxiety was alleviated. Though I did not have a call light, I wanted for nothing.
L- How much love these two showed is commendable, especially during the COVID crisis and they are both pregnant. I made sure to ask them if they were taking breaks and drinking fluids.
S- Being a nurse during this time while pregnant tells us they truly care.
Both Kayla and Krystal's petals are in keeping with the highest traditions of veterans' care and reflect great credit upon them, their units, and the United States government. These are the two best nurses, and it was my pleasure to be under their care.