Kyla Schock
May 2023
Sanford Health Bismarck
United States




At the worst time in my life, it brought a smile to my face and made me giggle. It was surprisingly enough, the perfect thing for her to say.
My mother was admitted to the Oncology Floor by hospice. That evening I spent the night with her in her hospital room. Kyla Schock was her nurse and was an absolute angel. She never failed to come in every two hours and give my mother her medicine and she was constantly making sure that I was all right and checking if I needed anything. When my mother passed the following morning I was the only family member in attendance. Kyla made sure I was ok, made sure to check if I need anything, and/or needed her to call anyone. I don't know how to explain how much her support meant to me that long night and especially that horrible morning. My mother and I were extremely close and spent an awful lot of time together. As Kyla was removing the tubes from my Mom in preparation for the arrival of my Father and siblings, she asked me if she was a good sister. Now some would be offended by that. I was not. I swear that was my mother's work. We were often asked if we were sisters and I always commented that I wasn't sure if that meant I looked old or she looked young. At the worst time in my life, it brought a smile to my face and made me giggle. It was surprisingly enough, the perfect thing for her to say. I am truly grateful to Kyla for helping me through that long night and horrible morning. She was truly an angel to me and to my mother.