Kyle Fisher
May 2023
Emergency Department
Clark Memorial Health
United States




Kyle was sympathetic and did his best to help comfort me and reassure me.

Kyle is so consistent with each patient. He always gives them the care and attention they need. Every time I see Kyle, he is always going above and beyond for his patients. Whether he is busy or not, he always makes time for others around him. He is kind-hearted, and I love watching the patience and drive he has to care for all of his patients in the ER.


Team Member Kyle was not only very kind but also dedicated to his patients. It was a very busy day in the ER with complicated cases. I never once felt neglected or that I was bothering him. My daughter asked a lot of questions, and he always answered every one of them with a smile and complete answers. He had to use an ultrasound to find a vein for an IV. My veins are very difficult to not only locate but sustain any type of procedure. They blew out three times when the antibiotics were started. Each time he tried again and tried his best to alleviate my fears and my pain. After the third time, he said he did not want to put me through that anymore and that he would discuss it with the doctors. The next step was to go in through my neck, which I had had a bad experience with in the past. Kyle was sympathetic and did his best to help comfort me and reassure me this was the best thing to do. I had had nothing to eat all day, and he went and obtained food for me when they realized I would be admitted into the hospital later that night. I spent all day and part of the night in the ER, and Kyle made everything easier for me. The next day he saw my daughter in the hallway and asked how I was doing! To me, he went above and beyond his duties and exhibited kindness and compassion.