Kyra Coltre
September 2021
Maria Hall
St. Mary's Healthcare
United States




It was because of Kyra she was successfully transported to a higher level of care and given a fighting chance.
Kyra is a shining star. There comes a time in your profession when you can stand back and watch the interaction between a nurse and patient and know “this is why”. It is the moment when you see the difference between someone “doing their job” and someone “following their calling”. I have witnessed this magic many times in watching the interactions between Kyra, her patients, and the staff. She has a sense of calm that radiates trust, a presence that creates peace, and sparkle that makes you smile. Kyra has had some particularly challenging shifts of late. On her way to work, she was one of the first responders to a very serious motor vehicle accident. She arrived upon the scene and instinctually began to take charge while awaiting the medical personnel. She began CPR on the young victim and was instrumental in saving that woman’s life. While the patient later succumbed to her injuries, it was because of Kyra she was successfully transported to a higher level of care and given a fighting chance. What impressed me most that day was when Kyra got to work for her 3-11 pm shift, she was the first nurse to respond to yet another life-threatening emergency on the floor. As emotionally distraught as she must have been, she didn’t hesitate to put her patients’ needs first. She stood by my side until the patient was transferred to ICU. She must have been emotionally exhausted and physically depleted, yet not once did she voice a complaint. She worked with tears in her eyes, and I knew that day, I was fortunate enough to stand beside a real-life hero. St. Mary’s is so very lucky to have Kyra on our team and I hope she knows how very grateful I am to her for the gift of compassion she gave to me that day.