Lara Harrison
August 2021
Registered Midwife
Quality Improvement Project Team
University Hospitals Leicester
United Kingdom




Thank you for being the most incredible source of support and encouragement for my birthing journey.
How do I thank you? Where do I even begin? You gave me two of the best gifts I could have ever asked for—my baby, and a positive birthing experience. You helped bring my baby into this world. You believed in me. You, quite honestly, gave me the power to believe in myself. You shared an amazing moment with me and my husband, and you handled it with leadership and grace. Being diagnosed with a DVT at 24 weeks pregnant, I was extremely worried and nervous about my delivery. My midwife helped me take on something I was apprehensive about with confidence and a sense of calm. So, to my midwife—thank you for being the most incredible source of support and encouragement for my birthing journey. You were with me then, and you'll be with me in my stories about bringing O into the world.