Latasha Williams
March 2023
ECU Health Medical Center
United States




Through her astute recognition of the patient's challenges, there is a good chance Ms. Williams was able to prevent readmission, and the patient was able to feel loved and cared for.
I would like to nominate Ms. Latasha Williams for the DAISY Award. I recently learned about an extraordinary service that she provided to a patient and family. The patient was a spinal cord injury patient who was discharged home after receiving education on self-catheterization. This patient and family had contacted Ms. Williams with questions. Ms. Williams identified a literacy challenge with the patient and family. Since the patient had been discharged, she set up an appointment to go to the patient's house as the patient navigator and conducted specialized teaching with the patient and support person. Ms. Williams ensured the patient was comfortable with the skill as they demonstrated the teach-back technique. Through her astute recognition of the patient's challenges, there is a good chance Ms. Williams was able to prevent readmission, and the patient was able to feel loved and cared for. Even though Ms. Williams is in a navigator role, home visits are not an expectation. Visiting the home for patient teaching is above and beyond the call of duty. The amazing thing is that Ms. Williams provides this level of care and concern for each patient she encounters. She is an amazing nurse.