Laura Reyna
September 2021
Nemours Children's Hospital
United States




Laura, you make us feel that he’s in good hands when being away from him and you are so trustworthy when we’re miles and miles away. Thank you for understanding my worries and letting me know that everything will be okay!
To start off with, I’d like to thank Ms. Laura for being such a loving, caring, awesome nurse!! She has made a huge impact on our lives. I love how she cares and tries to understand our baby boy, J. It’s truly heartwarming to hear her conversate with him while doing hands-on and speaking on what she’s going to do and how much progress he’s made. She makes us feel reassured and feel at ease when she explains things to us when in doubt. Thank you for being so patient with me and my husband when asking questions even if it’s a question we have already asked. You make us feel that he’s in good hands when being away from him and you are so trustworthy when we’re miles and miles away. Thank you for understanding my worries and letting me know that everything will be okay! Thank you for doing his PICC line when we first arrived and were able to insert it the first time and I explained to you that at his previous hospital they attempted to insert the PICC line 8 times and were unsuccessful with it. You, on the other hand, made me the happiest when finished with the procedure, I just wanted to hug you so tight that night for being able to be successful with it. I knew from that night I would never forget your face!! You’ve helped us understand so many things since we’ve been here.

We never knew what happened behind these secured NICU doors, but thanks to you and all these nurses we are understanding each and every day and how God has used each and every one of these doctors and nurses as instruments to work on these miracle babies! You’re helping us enjoy this tough journey and celebrating each little milestone along the way.

You love your job and it shows, a million thanks to you!! I love how you enjoy the time to do hands-on and not rush through it, although I understand you don’t always have one baby to watch, but two! May God continue to guide you and expand your knowledge being a nurse. Thank you again for making this journey a wonderful one! I can never thank you enough! J loves you and I can’t wait to tell him all about you when he gets older, I’ll also tell him you were the one who helped me and showed me how to bathe him without being scared, and thank you also for allowing us to do our first skin to skin. It really showed us how important it was to you that we did skin to skin! Ms. Laura, you will forever have a special place in our hearts, continue changing lives, you’re doing amazing!!