April 2016
Providence Hospitals
United States




Laura Wang is respectful to all; coworkers, patients, family members, visitors, doctors, and everyone alike. I have never heard her raise her voice in anger or carry herself in any other fashion other than a respectable one. She is compassionate in her actions and attitude toward all. Personally, she always helps me when I am in need, whether it is direct patient care or personal wellbeing. She always asks if anyone needs help and she is always the first one to pitch in when things need to be done. She works well as a team member, and through collaborating with her I find her to be one of the most reliable and dependable people I have ever worked with or met in my entire life.
I have never seen her unsure of herself or fearful. She displays courage and knowledge in everything that she does, and she makes sure that she advocates for her patients by ensuring that every aspect of their care is justified and will lead to the best care possible.