Laura Winholt
November 2015
Hilton Head Hospital
Hilton Head
United States




Laura is very flexible. She works in both our Same Day Surgery Unit and Post Anesthesia Care Unit. Some days she works in both areas. Recently, Laura had two very different challenging patients.
The first was a postoperative patient who had returned post-operatively to our same day surgery unit for discharge. The patient started deteriorating pretty quickly upon arrival. Laura was very quick to identify the issues. She immediately contacted the surgeon and the patient was admitted to ICU with a diagnosis of sepsis. Her concern truly made a difference for this patient.
The following day brought another patient challenge that she identified in PACU. She had a patient who awoke from surgery with very concerning neurological changes in her legs. Laura did a wonderful job reassuring this patient and her family. She stayed with the patient until she was transferred to a higher level of care. Laura truly made a difference in this patient's care.