July 2022
Intensive Care Unit
Hampden Medical Center
United States




This nurse was so positive and upbeat and it helped Mom dispel her anxiety and fear.
My Mom, age 91, was an emergency admission with low electrolytes, dehydration, and a bleeding ulcer. All of this followed a terrible 10-day norovirus. She was so ill and in the ICU for a week. All of the nurses were very competent and professional and brought Mom back from the brink. This nurse stood out among the team of excellent nurses. The nurse understood and appreciated my Mom’s warm personality and her need for snacks and drinks. This nurse was so positive and upbeat and it helped Mom dispel her anxiety and fear. She would visibly brighten when this nurse came into her room. At 91 and very ill, the will to live is so critical and the nurse really helped Mom regain her will to live and heal.