Lauren Graves
January 2023
Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust
United Kingdom




She never failed to inspire me to try new skills and learn the theory behind things.
I was one of her student nurses at the time of the nomination. Lauren showed me that placement can actually be an excellent learning platform and that I can learn new skills to facilitate my learning. I really appreciated that Lauren understood I was there to learn. I feel like with her I could use my full potential. She is so skillful with medication, ENT practices, paperwork, and all the other things that a nurse can do. She tries so hard to understand and care for patients who find difficulty in communicating. Although stroke patients aren’t the specialty on L23, Lauren has an understanding of what they’re going through and she tries just as hard to look after them. She works hard to get to the route of what a patient needs to facilitate their discharge and support their family. She always shows up ready to teach even on days when I came in on my down days. She never failed to inspire me to try new skills and learn the theory behind things. She is well known by other professionals who visit the ward and has a good rapport with the dieticians. She is an absolutely fantastic practice assessor and nurse, if I didn’t already have a different career pathway I’d work on her ward. I’d love it if other students got the opportunity to work there too in their placements because she is excellent at teaching.