Leah Frick
February 2024
Nursing Administration
UPMC Carlisle
United States




Leah made the patient feel heard and understood during a difficult time.
We would like to celebrate Leah Frick for her exemplary behavior, patient advocacy, communication, and empathy. Due to a difficult circumstance, the ICU had an obstetrical patient transfer. Leah’s patient advocacy began with ensuring that the patient had the ability to pump prior to the transfer to ICU. Leah then utilized the appropriate chain of command with trying to have a game plan for both mother and baby, as baby was not allowed to be with mother in ICU. ICU staff and Leah met many obstacles in creating a safe plan of care. Leah maintained professionalism in her demeanor, tone, and communication as she made numerous phone calls up the chain of command. Leah kept open communication with administration for the hospital as well as the nursing staff. Leah listened to both the nursing staff of the ICU as well as the patient herself. She made the patient feel heard and understood during a difficult time. Leah continued to advocate for this patient until the baby was able to be brought bedside. Leah was respectful and maintained the patient’s dignity in discussing the boundaries for the baby to visit. Leah stayed in the ICU with the patient and staff until a resolution that was safe for all parties was able to be finalized. Both the nurses and the patient appreciated Leah’s calm demeanor and patient advocacy. We appreciate her professionalism and her ability to hear the patient while maintaining boundaries.