Lee Bun
January 2021
Acute Rehab Unit
VA Long Beach Healthcare System
Long Beach
United States




Every time Lee came to my room to assist me, she always did more than I expected or asked.
Lee has been the most compassionate person I have ever met. From when I first arrived, to the day I left, Lee has been the hardest worker and most helpful person in the ward. Early on in my stay, I had several difficult and humiliating times that Lee was able to assist me with and minimize my fears and humiliation.

I believe many new patients suffer humiliating incidents and that is difficult for anyone. To make things worse, add extreme pain and the normal fear of a new place with new faces all in PPE masks, face shields, and some with glasses too! Lee made me feel safe and somehow less humiliated. I am not sure how she managed to pull that off, but she was able to do so several times. I am so very thankful that she was there to help me.

I have heard Lee volunteer to come in when the ward was in need. I have seen Lee insist that she be the person allowed to help other patients that were clearly in need when others are busy with another patient. Every time Lee came to my room to assist me, she always did more than I expected or asked. I have never seen her rattled or complain.

Lee is amazing! But you really don’t need to take my word for it. I imagine anyone reading this already knows what a rare and wonderful person she is. If not, just ask anyone on the ward.

Thank you, Lee!