Lee Holden
July 2020
Trauma/Neuro/Burn Float Pool
Lehigh Valley Hospital




His genuine compassion, empathy, and support demonstrate true excellence in nursing. It was a very tough day for my family, but Lee reassured us and was there to help us through.
My mother was on TOHU due to medical complications. She had been in the hospital for nearly five weeks. One day I came to visit my mom, and it was an extremely difficult visit for me. As I stood by her bedside, holding her hand and crying, Lee Holden walked into the room. He calmly and politely introduced himself to me and explained he was my mom's nurse. He then came over to me and said, "M, this is very difficult to see, especially when it is your mother, but I am taking good care of her and she is comfortable and she is happy you are here." He then proceeded to ask me if I needed anything. Later that day, my family had to make the difficult decision to transfer my mom to hospice. During that time, Lee had arranged multiple times for my siblings who reside out of state to FaceTime with my mother. Lee also made arrangements for my mom's grandchildren to be able to come in the room and see her. When the day got emotional for me, I would step out of the room to cry, Lee was always right there, he would come over to ask if I was doing ok and would consistently ask what he could do for me. We had found we have a common interest as we are both cyclists. His genuine compassion, empathy, and support demonstrate true excellence in nursing. It was a very tough day for my family, but Lee reassured us and was there to help us through. There truly are no words to describe how well Lee treated my mom and my family. As difficult as the day was, Lee made it more comfortable and did not hesitate to go above and beyond. I am forever grateful and will never be able to thank Lee enough.