Leia N
April 2023
Leia N
Oakland University School of Nursing
United States




I believe that TIME is the most valuable commodity. If someone can be truly present, giving away their time from the things that they value most, it is one of the greatest gifts ti impart to someone else. But that is just it with Leia, she uses her time for what she values: to help others in so many roles of the field of Nursing!
Professor Morse was single-handedly the BEST instructor we had throughout our whole nursing school experience. Her bright, positive, and cheery attitude made all of us students feel cared about. Her dedication to nursing is clear in everything she does. She always made an effort to keep our class active and engaged. She went out of her way to help make sure each and every one of us felt confident in our nursing practices. She was such an inspiration and role model, and I aspire to be just like her when I get into the nursing profession. She truly changed my life and showed me how nursing should be done.

Leia is one of the most compassionate, brilliant, and dedicated individuals that I have ever met. And you can see how these qualities would make her an exceptional Nurse and Instructor! She has exemplified what it takes to give, over and above, for her students and patients. I have never seen or heard one single complaint or negative comment throughout my time in school. She is available to uplift, encourage, and genuinely cares about each student's success in learning. I know this not just from my personal experience interacting with her as my Instructor, but because I hear of how other students talk of her as well.

I believe that TIME is the most valuable commodity. If someone can be truly present, giving away their time from the things that they value most, it is one of the greatest gifts ti impart to someone else. But that is just it with Leia, she uses her time for what she values: to help others in so many roles of the field of Nursing! She makes it seem so effortless because of her passion and positivity, but nothing of that great of impact to so many comes without sacrifice. Thank you, Leia, for what you sacrifice to help others succeed!

It seemed like this woman never had a bad day. She always gave a smile that made me want to smile back during my worst times. I never hear another student speak ill of her. Lecture and clinical did not have a lot of fluff, and were well organized. So, I was able to take good notes. Her personality and knowledge helped with lectures and long clinical days. She always returned emails within a timely manner...she deserves a DAISY award.

Professor Morse is an incredible instructor! Not only does she encourage me and my fellow nursing students but she makes learning fun! She is supportive and easy to communicate with! She never makes anyone feel bad, she encourages the best nursing practice! She is extremely dedicated to all of us and inspires me to do the best that I can.

The DAISY award would give us the opportunity to honor and thank her for enthusiastic teaching style, her smile and laughter that eased our learning environment and availability and approachability when we needed help or mentoring.