Lesley Smith
June 2021
Critical Care
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
United Kingdom




Lesley has a wealth of expertise and experience that she shares with all. She is a credible nurse leader and you can’t help but want to follow her.
Lesley has worked at NGH for a number of years and has become a pivotal member of the senior nursing team. She initially worked in Critical Care and then expanded her horizons to become a matron for Women’s services. She is a transformational leader who leads by inspiring others and has made a real difference to patients, families, and the services she works in. She set up the Critical Care Follow Up service which provides much-needed support psychologically and socially for Critical Care patients. This service has expanded and continues in her absence. Lesley values every member of her team and takes the time to support and develop everyone. Since moving to her current role as Matron for Women’s services she has been pivotal in developing nurse specialist roles that provide enhanced care for women. She supports her team by leading by example and always being approachable and reliable. She has a wealth of expertise and experience that she shares with all. She is a credible nurse leader and you can’t help but want to follow her. She lights up every room she walks into even if she is a bit late. Her energy is infectious.

During the first phase of the Covid 19 pandemic, she fearlessly moved with three of her Gynae nurses back to Critical Care. She moved from a safe non-Covid area to the heart of the pandemic without fear or hesitation. This was a selfless act that truly showed her commitment to nursing and her colleagues. She is a committed nurse who cares for all, she always puts others first and is the last to leave work ensuring her work is completed and her clinical areas are safe.

She has recently been the lead for developing, in a very short time frame a protected surgical area for women to have surgery. She scoped out the project, ensured it was followed through, and ensured her exhausted team was able to deliver. She never falters and steps up to every challenge with tenacity and spirit. She retired at the end of 2020 and instead of taking her time to complete her last few jobs she took on developing an adapted discharge suite. The plans changed on a daily basis but this didn’t stop her from making the changes, supporting the staff, and leading the way. She is truly an inspirational leader and the service will be lost without her. She has truly given her life and soul to the role and is a shining light of what nursing should be. It has been an honour and privilege to work with her.