Leslie White
January 2022
Day Surgery
Medical City Dallas
United States




Leslie's magnetic personality and empathetic nature were a blessing.
Leslie cared for me after my robotic inguinal hernia repair and orchiopexy. When I returned for recovery Leslie assumed care. I was unable to urinate after anesthesia and stayed for 6 hours waiting and trying to void prior to discharge home. Leslie went above and beyond to make sure I was as comfortable as possible, explained viable options, communicated with my physicians, all to help me in my time of crisis. She was very good at communicating with me so I understood better what was going on.

Leslie also cared for several other patients returning to the unit from OR and would let me know she would be busy with them for 15 minutes but would be right back, making sure I had the call light if I needed something before she returned. Leslie's magnetic personality and empathetic nature were a blessing. These traits along with her experience and skill made me almost forget I had an acute problem. I felt completely safe and validated.

Leslie eventually needed to insert a urinary catheter to drain my bladder. This was my first time having a catheter and she again skillfully performed it while explaining and comforting me the entire time. Although I ran her ragged the entire day, Leslie remained pleasant and we enjoyed each other's company. Never would I have believed or expected to have such a stressful day turned into one which was pleasant. She is an irreplaceable asset to HCA/Medical City and the profession of nursing.