Leslie Wickard
March 2023
Cancer Center
Hancock Regional Hospital
United States




She sets a high bar for other medical professionals to aspire to.
I have known Leslie for only a short time, but during the brief period I have found her to have many admirable qualities. The attributes that make her the “go to” person for guidance in her chosen field include: 1. Her depth of knowledge in dealing with specialty pharmacies, grant organization, and others to explore and more often than not successfully secure available financial aid for her patients is almost beyond comprehension. 2. A vital piece of the success described above is her follow up skills. She sets a high bar for other medical professionals to aspire to. If she said she would call back before the end of her business day you could count on hearing from her in that timeframe even if she did not have a complete solution to your issue. 3. Transparency. She has never hidden anything that I should have known regarding the issue we were dealing with. While the led to some temporary setbacks we always strategized on the next step to take to give the best chance of success and we did succeed in obtaining our objective. It is for these reasons and many more that would strain the intended brevity of this endorsement that I have no hesitation in saying Leslie would be an asset to any medical organization or position within a medical organization she would choose to seek.