June 2024
Carrington College
United States




Lidiana demonstrates their respect for others through optimistic words, honest communication, and an organized appearance.
This nomination is different because an experienced critical care nurse instructor will recount the behaviors and skills the student has consistently displayed, therefore making them a near-perfect nominee for the DAISY Award. This student is currently completing their final semester in an accelerated ADN program. This student's compassionate presence, advocacy skills, resiliency, and self-awareness are displayed and evolve weekly. This student is aware of the power and impact their behavior has on environments and patient outcomes.

For example, during their emergency room rotation, the student stepped in to help their peer when their patient had an emergent rapid decline in condition. The student entered the patient’s room as a code blue was announced hospital-wide. There were many medical professionals attending to the patient. This student observed that the patient’s brother was observing the situation in real-time. The student then approached the family member and allowed him to decide if he wanted to observe the code blue or if he preferred to leave the room. The student utilized verbal and non-verbal communication outside of the patient’s room to ease the fears and confusion the patient’s brother felt. Their verbal and non-verbal communication displayed empathy, calmness, receptivity, and medical knowledge.

They reassessed the brother’s needs and recognized that he may benefit from a walk in the sun. The student went outside and walked with the patient’s brother. They practiced active listening and encouraged the family member to share memories he had of his brother. The student proved to the nursing instructor that they understood the importance of spending time with family members while promoting a healing environment. This student acts as a coach and friend to their peers. As an experienced critical care nurse, I recognize this behavior as someone who is aware of and values their team. They demonstrate their respect for others through optimistic words, honest communication, and an organized appearance. This student encourages their peers to set goals and practice self-care on a regular basis. This student has proven to have a high sense of emotional intelligence and is able to endure professional and personal hardships. I believe this student has a distinct ability to respect and honor every life they encounter and will continue to inspire others throughout their nursing career.