Liliana Bojko
June 2024
Augusta Health Care
United States




Her experience in this particular institution and relationship with colleagues in multiple departments allowed her to facilitate his care, even as other members of the team were actively engaged in other aspects of his care, and this led to a much more rapid identification of his risks and his needs. She played a critical role in the safe and effective care of this patient.
Ms. Bojko has an established excellent reputation among physicians and providers, for her skill and experience as a nurse, and her ability to provide compassionate care to patients at all levels of complexity. She enjoys the respect of her colleagues in nursing for her ability to work in teams, provide them with the benefits of her extensive knowledge base, and notable generosity with her time and efforts. She is a consistent and valued presence on the PCU, and is known for her intellectual engagement with patient care, collaborating with physicians and providers as well, and seeking to learn more about the disease processes affecting patients and the details of ongoing diagnosis and treatment, and the humane implementation of all of this for her own patients, and those of her colleagues. This is the background level of excellence that Ms. Bojko quietly and consistently provides in the PCU environment, and we count on her engagement and presence, and she never disappoints our trust.

The motivation to nominate her for the DAISY Award recognition began because of a situation that occurred recently, as part of her assigned patient duties. The particular patient was brought to our Emergency Department (ED), with a change in mental status. He was nonverbal, and unable to understand, communicate or participate meaningfully in his own care.

It was his first visit to our system, and we had no background information with respect to his health issues. The person who brought him here was not a family member, essentially only an acquaintance who found him altered and did help him get to our hospital but was not able to provide more insight into his medical history or experience. The patient's birthdate was reassuring, he was 53 years old, but his profound communication difficulties obscured the true dangers that faced him. As we began to piece together his story, he had multiple serious risk factors, multiple chronic conditions, and had only recently been discharged from tertiary care in another system with ongoing active medical issues that were certainly life-threatening, and completely unavailable to us on that day. Any one of these multiple, serious, active medical issues could have led to catastrophic decompensation. As his hospitalist and specialists were attempting to overcome barriers to obtaining that information, and pursuing diagnostic testing here, Ms. Bojko reached out to the acquaintance, ultimately she was able to identify more than five family members, and contacted them individually. The social situation was complex, and she was able to negotiate due to her outstanding interpersonal skills and dedication, and also using her language skills in English and Spanish. She established connection and collaboration with the patient's family, gathered crucial clinical information, and ultimately identified a family member who was willing to speak for the patient and serve as a proxy when necessary. She was able to assess the patient's own true language skills, and communicate that with the team. When MRI was planned for him, she was in communication with the Radiology team was able to help facilitate orbit screening. He was then identified to have an AICD, and she took the initiative to engage with the device technical team and was able to have them present, and the study was safely performed on the day of his admission rather than being postponed, overcoming another serious barrier. This MRI turned out to be crucial in understanding what had caused his decompensation, and intracerebral hemorrhage was identified, itself unstable and life-threatening. This allowed his physician team to ensure his safety and rapidly transfer him to tertiary care, where emergent craniotomy coverage was available. Without Ms. Bojko's quiet and consistent efforts, the physicians would not have had the data necessary to provide the level of care that he needed. She did not seek to aggrandize any of her efforts and, in fact, repeatedly minimized them, indicating that she felt all of these efforts were simply a part of her normal practice and standard of care. Her outstanding clinical Skill, her determination, her clinical confidence, her language skills, and her communication abilities were crucial in the care of this patient. Her experience in this particular institution and relationship with colleagues in multiple departments allowed her to facilitate his care, even as other members of the team were actively engaged in other aspects of his care, and this led to a much more rapid identification of his risks and his needs. She played a critical role in the safe and effective care of this patient.

She deserves recognition for her efforts on this gentleman's behalf. He had no advocate at the bedside. He was unable to communicate or understand what was happening to him, and was completely socially isolated and helpless. Her care of this patient is an example of the ideals of nursing care at the highest level. She embodies what nursing excellence can achieve. She is an example to her colleagues of the combination of what a strong knowledge base, a rich skill set, and experience can accomplish. She was able to use her experiences specifically at this institution to facilitate and promote the care of this defenseless and highly vulnerable patient, purely based on her compassion for the patient, who himself could not even acknowledge her efforts on his behalf nor understand what she had done on his case, nor to appreciate the value of her work. She exemplifies the highest ethical and professional standards in nursing and is a shining example of successful and exemplary care. Her participation in the integrated team approach to care literally saved this gentleman's life. I cannot commend Ms. Bojko in any stronger terms. She is an inspiration to her nursing colleagues, and an indispensable member of the larger healthcare team in providing care above and beyond expectation. She is an outstanding example of the best in nursing at this institution, and in the larger national nursing community. I cannot think of an individual who deserves recognition more than Ms. Bojko, for this perfect example of her professionalism, and even much more so for the care she provides every day, day in and day out, for the most complex and the least demanding patients in our system. Ms. Bojko is outstanding and deserves the highest praise for her actions to save the life of this patient, and in the thousand smaller tasks that she performs day in and day out for the safety and healing of all of her patients.