Lina Wilches
January 2023
Broward Health Medical Center
Ft Lauderdale
United States




Lina is one of the smartest and sharpest nurses I have ever met. From the beginning, she has cared for my son and all the babies in the NICU with so much extra care.
After my water breaking at 22 weeks my baby was delivered at 24 weeks and 5 days (if you have had a preemie you know every day counts). During my time in labor and delivery, the NICU doctors prepped me and my husband very well on what to expect for the next few months in the NICU. My first few days in the NICU are now a blur but one thing I realized very quickly is that NICU nurses are angels here on earth. One of the angel's names is Lina. Lina became my son’s primary nurse. I remember going into my car crying because I was so very thankful Lina wanted to be my son’s primary. Lina is one of the smartest and sharpest nurses I have ever met. From the beginning, she has cared for my son and all the babies in the NICU with so much extra care. She is also very on top of it and always one step ahead. It is very apparent that she is good at what she does as a nurse and on top of that she cares. She goes above and beyond for all her tiny patients. Lina has always explained everything that has gone on with my preemie and constantly checks in on me. She also has shown me signs to look out for. For example, when my son would struggle to breathe, she would point out all the signs to look out for and to show me how to “make” him breathe. On top of it all she cares for the parents of the tiny little warriors. Whether is calming me down while my son is being transported or making sure all my questions are answered she goes further than anyone would expect. She also is constantly sharing her expertise with other nurses while being extremely patient. Lina is very knowledgeable in all areas, and I could list out many more examples on why she is a DAISY Nurse. I will probably cry my eyes out when it is time for my son to leave the NICU and will really miss having her. Anyone who gets to work with Lina, have her as their baby's nurse, or to even be friends with her is very fortunate. Again, I will never be able to thank her enough and my son will always hear about her.

Note: This is Lina's 2nd DAISY Award!