Linda Roberts
June 2022
Same Day Surgery Unit JMH
Jefferson Methodist Hospital
United States




The first thing that stood out to me was the care and concern that both RNs had for the mother and the father.
Linda Roberts was exemplary in every respect as she and her colleague handled a completely unexpected and stressful situation. I was alerted to the event by one of your RNs, and she left a message on our voicemail. Shortly thereafter, I came upstairs to the SPU. I discovered that a patient was suffering from a gunshot wound. Though he was expected to be transferred to Center City, his condition warranted immediate surgical care at JMH. When I arrived in the SPU, the patient's mother and father were seated in the hall in two chairs especially arranged just for them by the staff. Though the chairs were in the hall, I could see how respectfully they were placed so the parents could be comfortable and in an area that was close to the operating room where their son passed. This was very gratifying to witness. The parents were in shock after just having received the news of their son's passing. The first thing that stood out to me was the care and concern that both RNs had for the mother and the father. There was a great deal of tenderness and concern on their faces and in their mannerisms. No other family members were present at the time. Within a brief period, the rest of the family in the Lobby downstairs became aware of the demise of their loved one. As the event progressed, they began to come up to B3 and gather in the elevator area outside of the SPU. This large family group of approximately 18 people was kept out of the SPU respectfully by a Jefferson Policeman. Though the presence of a large family group on B3 was not expected from a security perspective, the family was calm and directable. The patient's body was prepared, cleaned, and placed on the other side of the SPU, at the far end of the unit. The APU was quiet, clean, and perfectly calm as family members, two-by-two, visited the deceased gentleman. The parents were moved by an RN into the room nearest to the entrance to the APU from the elevators. There, they were comforted by other family members who had just said their goodbyes. Within a short time, detectives arrived from the Philadelphia Police Department, along with victim support representatives of the District Attorney's Office. They spent some time with the parents in the room provided to them by the RN. One of the RNs provided me with a wheelchair. I encouraged the mother of the victim to allow me to take her downstairs. The caring professionalism accomplished by your staff not only represented the best of what we aspire to at Jefferson, but their good work also had a positive impact on the family, the PPD, and the representatives of the District Attorney's Office. Give your staff a big hug from our chaplaincy department. We are proud to be with you.