Linda Stine
April 2020
2 East
Sarah Bush Lincoln
United States




My brother was hospitalized while battling cancer on the second floor of Sarah Bush Lincoln. His nurse was a woman by the name of Linda Stine. After first meeting her, my brother would not stop telling me how this nurse was the 'real deal,' and that she was a lot like our mother. Having an incredible mother, I was skeptical that this nurse compared. Then I finally met this so-called 'wonder-nurse' and she was everything my brother had described and more!
Nurse Stine was extremely professional but equally compassionate. She was firm, but always concerned. She spoke when she needed to speak and listened when she needed to listen. There wasn't a specific situation or story to describe her, but her consistency was quite on point. Her commitment and dedication exceeded the patient and family's expectations. As far as my family goes, she was 'God-appointed' to do nursing! She is an incredible asset to your healthcare system and all nurses could learn from her. That would make SBL even that much closer to PERFECT!