Linda Williams
November 2019
Cardiac Short Stay
Methodist Hospital
San Antonio
United States




Linda was in charge of prep for my husband's pre-op for a Cardiac catheterization. If there was a 70% blockage, T would immediately have stents and other procedures. Naturally, we were a little nervous, but Linda put us at ease from the start. You could see immediately she enjoys what she does and has done for many years.
Linda was totally "in charge" and was very good at it. She took a very thorough patient history detailing everything. I appreciated that because I know the smallest detail can be important, especially when my husband was experiencing a surprising high blood pressure. Linda made sure to continuously check on T even though she had several other patients to prep for pre/post-op. She knew we were nervous about the blood pressure, and she helped put us at ease. She talked us through the surgery and what to expect post-op. We were calmed by her professionalism. She used her sense of humor and a sharp eye on my husband's vitals to make sure all was okay. She also asked if I needed any dinner (pre-surgery), which was very kind.
After surgery, Linda brought in my husband's dinner and even offered to cut up his meat for him! Nothing was too minimal for her. She went beyond what she had to do. Again, post-op was handled so professionally. I was struck by how she could remember details about T's meds, even with so many other patients to take care of. When it came time to be discharged, she even escorted us with T in a wheelchair to our car since we parked close in the garage. Kindness and care are difficult to quantify, but you know when you see it.
Linda's discharge summary was so detailed! I can't tell you how many times I referred to it to make sure we didn't do anything that could hurt the "angio-plug" which was new to me. It made a big difference in our comfort level. Thank you, Linda, for your professionalism, kindness and wonderful medical care! You are appreciated.