Lindsay Moore
January 2023
Mercy Hospital St Louis
St Louis
United States




Every single time she entered my room, she was cheery and friendly. I firmly believe that her disposition was a major part of my healing process.
For 3 days I was cared for by an angel! I know nurses are supposed to provide the best possible care to their patients but never have I felt a nurse express more care and concern than Lindsay. Every single time she entered my room, she was cheery and friendly. I firmly believe that her disposition was a major part of my healing process. There was simply nothing she couldn’t do. She had my medication needs down to a science. If I needed ice water, it was there. A warm blanket? No problem! She was simply amazing.

In one of our conversations, I learned she is going to graduate next week. Good for her. I’m sure it takes great patience, dedication, and determination to handle both a demanding course of study and a challenging job at the same time. And yet, again I stress, every single interaction I had with her as her patient was open, warm, friendly, and professional. I can only imagine what courage it must have taken to continue with her shift after being punched in the face by one of her other patients. She claimed he was disoriented and confused before he struck her, but to have her show up just a few moments later in my room with the confidence and aplomb to continue doing her job was truly inspiring. I strongly believe superstars should be recognized.

Mercy is lucky to have such a wonderful employee. The nursing staff could not have a better gem on their hands. Don’t get me wrong, all staff members I came in contact with were cordial and seemed to be competent but Lindsay is a cut above. If there is a bar to be set, one that all employees can be encouraged to aspire to, let it be Lindsay. She is a true DAISY Nurse.