Lindsay White
November 2022
Emergency Department
Beebe Healthcare
United States




​​​​​​​Lindsay was there every step of the way. She was empathetic to our concerns, she was constantly checking on us.
My husband ended up in the ER after spiking a fever after his first round of chemo the previous week. It was later in the evening and we were so concerned about even going into the hospital due to COVID. When we were finally able to get him back into an ER bed, we were in the midst of shift change, and when things finally settled we met Lindsay. We were not able to get S admitted due to lack of beds and I was so worried about him being compromised.

Lindsay was there every step of the way. She was empathetic to our concerns, she was constantly checking on us. She always explained everything that was happening and what she was doing. She was always so considerate- blankets/ice water/pudding anything she thought would make my husband more comfortable. He is a big guy and at one point was even able to get him a hospital bed and he was able to sleep comfortably. Mind you this care was sandwiched between all her other patients, whom all had their own fears and needs. She NEVER once lost her calming tone, her beautiful smile, and her sincere care. I asked her how she could do this day after day- as I was actually in tears over how some patients and family members treated the nurses. They were rude and impatient when the whole medical staff was so burdened under the weight of a Covid-filled ER. She just said she loved her job and caring for people. Nobody will understand what the entire Beebe team, and those nurses who have NONSTOP duties have to go through on a daily basis- until you experience it for yourself. I honestly feel the ENTIRE ER nursing team deserves this recognition, as there were others who not only helped us with a smile if Lindsay was busy and a machine would buzz or I’d get concerned about monitor readings.

The great news was that night S did get a bed- and the nurses on duty were like little kids- so excited for him and excited to get to bring him up to his room. They had not been able to do that in a week because of capacity. They knew what a relief it was for us to get him out of COVID’s way. God bless all the nurses and all of you each and every day. We are so blessed to have such compassionate and professional care here in Lewes. Thank you!!!