Lisa Bowman
June 2023
Palliative Care
Methodist Hospital of Sacramento
United States




Lisa stopped by to thank me because the family was so happy with the memento. The look on Lisa's face was pure joy. Helping families and patients find comfort in loss fulfills her.
The other day I witnessed Lisa's compassion both for patients and the grieving families left behind. Recently, Lisa stopped by my office, and I could tell something was bothering her. I asked if I could help. Lisa was frustrated and upset because the family had requested fingerprints from their dying loved one and the set she found in the chart was smeared, not the loving memento she had hoped for the family. Lisa thought I cannot give this to the family; I have to do something. She left the ICU disappointed but on a mission. When she told me about the fingerprints, I told Lisa, we got this. We had the notary ink and the supplies - we met in the ICU. I saw Lisa interacting with the family, and she spoke with them as if their loved one was the only one in the ICU and she never lost focus. A few hours later, Lisa stopped by to thank me because the family was so happy with the memento. The look on Lisa's face was pure joy. Helping families and patients find comfort in loss fulfills her.

After Lisa left, I started to think about the pandemic. Who was there for the dying patients and their families? Lisa was. She would leave at night drained of energy, but when seeing the patient and family members she kept her game face on and still made each patient and family member feel like they were the only patient at the hospital.

I receive many thank you cards for Lisa from family members thanking her for her compassion and support during difficult times. Lisa truly is a hero and is a DAISY Nurse.