Lisa Crum
April 2019
Methodist North Hospital
United States




Lisa often shows her patients extra TLC, whether it's buying them gifts for their birthdays, clothes, praying with them or even giving them items from her lunch because they crave "something sweet" and she had packed a candy bar for herself. One instance, in particular, was recently. Lisa helped in another nurse's patient's room with admitting them and spoke with the patient's sister. As they talked, Lisa realized that the sisters lived together and recently lost their home due to financial reasons and they were staying in a shelter. The sister didn't have any extra clothes and was wearing clothes from our clothes closet here at the hospital. Lisa got the sisters' sizes and bought them underwear, pants, and shirts after her shift. She asked for someone else to bring the clothes to them to remain as anonymous as possible. Lisa has a huge heart and it shows with her extra special actions.