Lisa Pyper
December 2019
Hyperbaric Oxygen Center
Newton Medical Center
United States




I want to thank Lisa and Judith for such a life-changing experience! In 2014 I had a mastectomy and had an implant. During the next 4 ½ years my skin did not heal completely. I had 3 implants in total. Due to too much radiation, my skin would not heal, so this year I had the last implant removed. After 3 weeks, the incision not only would not heal but opened up more.
Finally, my family doctor referred me to Wound Care. Come to find out the chest cavity had not healed at all. Under the care of the doctor and Lisa and Judith, they wanted me to try the hyperbaric chamber. I have to tell you I'm a very active person. I was working, farming, etc. The doctor and the hyperbaric team felt that if I didn't do anything and went into the chamber it would heal. I couldn't raise my arms over my head, or lift, swing my arms while walking. Judith called the insurance to see if I would be covered for 30 visits. She wouldn't hang up the phone until they gave her an answer. At 5 pm on Thursday, they gave the okay and I was in the office the next morning for the hyperbaric chamber. Lisa and Judith knew I was upset about not being able to do anything on the farm, or work, etc. Every day they made sure I was not getting depressed, or losing hope that it would heal.
Lisa picked out 30 movies I could watch during my dives. They are two of the most positive nurses I have ever met. After 30 treatments they extended my dives to a total of 60 dives. During the 60 dives, they always asked me what was going on in my life, making sure I didn't lose hope! It's so amazing to be able to go to work and feed my animals without worrying if my chest would get infected or open up further.
Lisa and Judith kept me from getting depressed or even giving up. It was actually a daily activity I looked forward to doing because I could see Lisa and Judith. They kept my outlook positive and have changed my life! Their care and compassion for me can never be forgotten in my lifetime!!
I have gotten a prosthetic since I have healed and I'm back to my usual activities.
Thanks, Lisa and Judith! If you treat everyone as you treated me, there are a lot of lucky patients to have you for their care!
Note: This is Lisa's 2nd DAISY Award!