Lisa Santiago
December 2019
Cumberland Medical Center
United States




My mother and I brought my 82-year-old father, who suffers from severe dementia, to the ER with what was determined to be a UTI. My mother and I care for my father ourselves at home. We were very concerned and by the time he was admitted to a room, at almost midnight, we were exhausted and emotionally drained.
A nurse appeared to escort my dad's gurney to his room, and I recognized her sweet face and lovely smile. I didn't remember her name, but I remembered that she had worked at Wharton Nursing Home when my dad was there for rehab after being hospitalized with an illness.
Amazingly, even though over two years had passed and Lisa had surely encountered hundreds of patients in the interim, she had recognized my father's name as a patient being admitted. She came to the ER to greet us and to ensure that he would be personally looked after by her. It brought tremendous comfort and a sense of relief to my mother and me, to know that Lisa genuinely cared about my father and our family. She kindly and gently encouraged us to go home and get some rest, and in the following days, we didn't see much of her since she works the overnight shift. She left a beautiful get-well card for my dad in his room, to remind us that she cares.
Just knowing she was there was a huge blessing to us. Lisa is a very special nurse who goes above and beyond in her care for her patients. She is an asset to the entire staff of Cumberland Medical Center.