April 2024
AdventHealth Orlando
United States




Frankly, I was moved by Ms. Westlake's act of empathy and human kindness.
A few months ago, my wife and I took my 86-year-old mother to the scheduled early appt. at AdventHealth South for two units of blood transfusion at the request of her treating hematologist/oncologist. My mother had earlier begun treatment for Multiple Myeloma. She previously had blood transfusions and three prior hospitalizations within the past 70 days, the last visit resulted in bilateral hematomas in her upper arm from blood transfusions which resulted in excruciating pain and visible discoloration of the skin. To no surprise, we were void of any confidence and in a great deal of anguish returning to any hospital.

Upon arriving at AdventHealth South, we were directed to the Direct Care Unit (DCU) where we encountered a very professional staff who were shocked to see the condition of her upper arm. After unsuccessful attempts to locate a viable vein for the transfusion, the DCU sought the assistance of the IV Team. It appeared this was moving expeditiously as the IV Team consisting of Ms. Lisa Westlake and her colleague Ms. Ari Sullivan arrived promptly and consulted with their DCU colleagues before performing an ultrasound to address the pending issue. After the ultrasound, Ms. Westlake advised us of the need for a PICC line due to issues associated with my mother's veins. Concurrent with these events, my mother was crying profusely due to her prior experiences. the bilateral hematomas and now the issue of no vein for her potential lifesaving blood transfusion.

It was a lot for us to endure. Throughout these events, I found Ms. Westlake to be professional, and extremely competent, with a command of the issue, and a very high level of sincerity and concern about the entire matter. To dispel my mother's fears, Ms. Westlake held my mother's hands and gently told her why having a PICC line would aid her now and, in the future, and ultimately, she would be fine throughout the process. Ms. Westlake's words of comfort ultimately alleviated my mother's trepidation. Frankly, I was moved by Ms. Westlake's act of empathy and human kindness. After the procedure, Mr. Miller and Ms. Westlake advised me that all went well wherein I could not contain my tears of gratitude in light of the totality of our ordeal over the last few months. I expressed my thanks to Ms. Westlake & Mr. Miller however, I would be remiss If I didn't advise you of their outstanding performance. Please convey again my thanks and gratitude for a job well done!