Lishette Rogers
July 2024
First Choice
Holy Cross Health
Fort Lauderdale
United States




What truly set Lishette apart was her empathetic approach. She took the time to explain every procedure and treatment to us, alleviating our fears and uncertainties.
My mother, C, underwent a complex abdominal surgery and hernia repair. During her stay at the hospital, we were fortunate to have Lishette Rogers as her nurse. Lishette’s dedication and compassionate care played an instrumental role in my mother’s recovery. From the moment C was admitted, Lishette demonstrated extraordinary clinical expertise and an unwavering commitment to patient care. She meticulously monitored my mother’s condition, ensuring that every aspect of her treatment was optimal. Lishette’s attention to detail was impeccable; she managed my mother’s pain effectively, kept her comfortable, and made sure she received the right medications on time. What truly set Lishette apart was her empathetic approach. She took the time to explain every procedure and treatment to us, alleviating our fears and uncertainties. Her patience and kindness provided immense comfort during a stressful time. Lishette treated my mother with dignity and respect, always encouraging her and uplifting her spirits.

One particular instance stands out: On the third day after surgery, my mother experienced severe pain and anxiety. Lishette’s calm demeanor and reassuring words were a beacon of hope. She stayed with us, holding my mother’s hand and talking her through the pain until it subsided. This level of personal attention and care went beyond the call of duty and made a profound difference in my mother’s healing process. Lishette also ensured that our family was well-informed and supported. She taught us how to care for C post-discharge, making the transition from hospital to home smoother and less daunting. Her genuine concern for my mother’s well-being was evident in every interaction.

Lishette Rogers embodies the true spirit of nursing. Her clinical skills, coupled with her compassionate nature, make her an Extraordinary Nurse. She has left an indelible mark on our hearts, and we are forever grateful for her exceptional care. For these reasons, I wholeheartedly nominate Lishette Rogers for The DAISY Award, as she truly deserves to be recognized for her outstanding contributions to nursing and patient care.