Liza Missirian
May 2024
Al-Ahli Hospital




She relieved all my concerns and worries and made my experience one of a kind.
"منذ الدخول الى الطوارى قامت الممرضة ليزا بالاستجابة السريعة للحالة وقدمت كل ما هو لازم من تعاون وقامت بالاهتمام بادق التفاصيل وقدمت ايضا الدعم النفسي ورفع المعنويات. قدمت الممرضة ليزا كل ما يجب ان يقدمه الممرض من اهتمام وهذه ليست المره الاولى لي في طوارئ المستشفى الاهلى لكن هذه افضل خدمة قد حصلت عليها في الطوارى في المستشفى الاهلي وغيرها من المستشفيات. شكرا للممرضى ليزا" 

Translation: "Since entering the emergency, Nurse Lisa has responded quickly to the case and provided all the necessary cooperation. She paid attention to the smallest details and also provided psychological support and morale. Nurse Lisa provided all the attention that the nurse should provide and this is not my first time in the emergency of Al-Ahli Hospital, but this is the best service I have received in the emergency at Al-Ahli Hospital and other hospitals. Thank you to nurses Lisa"


I came to the emergency room, and I was so very worried. Sister Liza hosted us with so much care and kindness. She relieved all my concerns and worries and made my experience one of a kind. She is absolutely one of the top-notch nurses. Highly experienced in her field, she answered all my questions and put my fear at so much ease.